Radiesse Lunchtime Booty Lift

Posted on August 17, 2022 by Dr. Blume in Uncategorized

Get the Booty of Your Dreams Without the Downtime

Sometimes your booty just needs a pick me up!  Many different variables can cause your booty to have dimpling or sagging such as gravity, aging, and weight changes.

Have you noticed your booty looking less round or having more dimples than you want? Are you working out but still not reaching your booty goals? Are you looking for a way to fix this but want to avoid surgery? Surgery can be scary, and due to health reasons, it isn’t an option for everyone.  So why not a non-invasive BBL?

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) has been a trend for a while now.  When we think Brazilian Butt Lift, we think surgery to get a larger, rounder bottom, however, there are other solutions. At Blume Skin & Body, we have just introduced our Non-Invasive Brazilian Butt Lift with Radiesse to help tighten, lift, sculpt and perfect your booty!

What is a Non-Invasive Butt Lift?

A non-invasive BBL can address your concerns – whether they are hip dips, cellulite dimples, lifting, or shaping your behind.  Non-invasive BBL’s are done with a filler called Radiesse.  Radiesse is injected directly into the areas of concern, which makes it more accurate and more subtle than a surgical Brazilian Butt Lift. After the procedure you may experience some swelling, bruising, and tenderness, however, this procedure is quick enough to do on your lunch break and return to work without any complications or down time!

What is Radiesse?

The purpose of Radiesse is to improve skin texture, shape, lift, and contour. This filler works to stimulate collagen and elastin production deep within the skin layers. Radiesse is a biostimulator, which means that it helps your body produce more collagen overtime.  This is beneficial because once the filler is eliminated from the body, the results will stick around.  Depending on your metabolism, a Radiesse booty lift can last up to 2 years.

Collagen is the protein that gives the skin its structure and shape. Unlike hyaluronic acid-based fillers, Radiesse works to replace collagen and create a strong network of support with these fibers. Radiesse is made of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres suspended in a water-based gel. Over time, collagen fibers will begin to replace the microspheres as they are metabolized. This leaves behind a network of newly grown collagen fibers.

If you have already had a surgical Brazilian Butt Lift procedure and still have some dimples or unevenness, Radiesse can help with that, too.

Before and After Photos of Hip Dip Correction 

bbl injection for hip dips front angle bbl injection for hip dips side angle 1 bbl injection for hip dips side angle 2 bbl injection for hip dips back angle

The Procedure

Typically, ten syringes of Radiesse are required (five per side).  The Radiesse is then hyper-diluted, which means it is mixed with sodium chloride before being injected. (Hyperdiluted Radiesse is Radiesse that has been thinned out to make it more easily spread over a larger area or for areas where skin is thinner).  Injecting this mixture into areas causes the body to produce new collagen and elastin, which leads firmer, smoother, and more full skin!

A cannula, which is a blunt-tipped needle is then used to inject the Radiesse into the patient’s bottom in the areas of concern. After the syringes are injected, we will then do a firm massage to distribute the product evenly. Overall, this treatment is extremely comfortable. Hyperdiluted Radiesse incorporates lidocaine which is a a numbing product to make the entire procedure painless. There’s essentially no downtime, but a possibility of light soreness and bruising at the injection site that should only last a few days.

Every treatment is different and tailored to meet the individual’s concerns, whether it be lifting the bottom, hip dips, cellulite, or filling out for a rounder shape!

In just a couple hours, you can have the tighter, lifted, and dimple-free booty that you always wanted! With no downtime there is no reason to put off getting the booty of your dreams.

Give us a call today to book your appointment!


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