Are you looking for a facial rejuvenation treatment without downtime?

Posted on February 24, 2020 by Dr. Blume in Laser Skin Rejuvenation



Are you looking for a facial rejuvenation treatment without downtime?

ResurFX Erbium Laser

Blume Skin & Body has an Erbium Laser by Lumenis called ResurFx. This erbium laser is fractional non-ablative skin resurfacing. Fractional lasers emit thousands of tiny micro-beams that injure a fraction of the skin. Non-ablative lasers create channels of heat into the skin that are invisible to the naked eye, but are strong enough to activate the skin’s wound response. This signals your skin’s cells to create collagen and elastin. ResurFX is the only true non-ablative technology that uses a patented algorithm for controlled non-sequential pulsing that ensure precise, homogenous and safe energy delivery for predictable results. There is no real downtime, one to two days of mild redness and slight edema (swelling). This treatment is great to have one week before an event to give the skin an all over brightening glow with smooth texture.

Can the PhotoFacial and ResurFX be combined in a single treatment?

Photofractional is a time saving treatment which addresses multiply issues in a single treatment. ResurFX, non-ablative erbium laser can be combined with an IPL photofacial for a photofractional treatment that addresses multiple skin concerns in one treatment. Patients desiring enhanced rejuvenation can benefit from a photofractional treatment since it can treat signs of aging including: sun damage, acne scars, enlarged pores, fine wrinkles, uneven texture and unwanted pigmentation. Since both ResurFX and IPL are FDA approved a photofractional treatment is a safe effective way to restore a more youthful appearance. Lumenis M22 has the erbium laser and IPL built into the same platform for a smooth easy treatment.

Blume Skin & Body recommends a series of three photofractional treatments to stimulate collagen and elastin and improve skin clarity.

ResurFX, erbium laser and IPL, photofacial and Photofractional precautions to be taken one week before and after treatment:

  1. Avoid significant sun exposure or sunless tanner
  2. Avoid Retinol products
  3. Oral or topical antibiotic

Contact Blume Skin & Body in Scottsdale, Arizona to learn more about ResurFX, erbium laser and Photofractional and which treatment is right for you. Please schedule a complimentary consultation to learn about these treatments and answer your questions.

Blume Skin & Body,, (480) 699-7999


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