How I Stopped My Acne Breakouts and Had Clear Skin Again

Posted on September 10, 2018 by Dr. Blume in Blog

Most of my teenage and adult years I had fairly clear skin with the occasional hormonal breakouts. Then I turned 37 and something bad happened. All of the sudden I had cystic acne clusters all along my lower face and jawline. They were painful and they were ugly.

Thankfully, Blume Skin & Body has a solution for hormonal breakouts. The first step is to meet with an Aestetician, I saw Caitlin and she took me under her esthetic wing and gave me a deep pore cleansing facial and treated me with the Sciton BBL Forever Clear Acne treatment. The Forever Clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortable and effectively clear acne without creams or medicine. After the first treatment my skin was dramatically different. The swelling and redness went down and several pimples purged and were able to be extracted.

I have had a few more BBL Forever Clear Acne treatments to kill the remaining bacteria and address my redness. At the first sign of a breakout, I will have the treatment before the acne gets any worse.  Blume Skin & Body has several treatments that deal with the pigmentation left from my breakouts. I plan on having the VI Peel to remove the pigmented skin and give me a brighter complexion.


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