A Tale of Two Daughters
Posted on August 30, 2011 by Dr. Blume in Blog
My daughter, Darcy, has started her quest for permanent hair removal. She is the perfect candidate for our Sciton Laser to give her smooth hair-free skin. Darcy is very fair with black hair, lots of black hair! At The Blume Skin & Body we use a state of the art Laser System to perform permanent hair reduction. The Sciton Joule laser sets new standards for hair removal. Darcy has experienced the “older, slower” laser method, and she prefers the new Sciton Joule BBL for less painful, faster, and more effective treatment. I have started her treatment plan to remove her unwanted hair on the upper lip, chin, and her uneven hairline. Darcy has had only one treatment so far and has seen positive results. I have Darcy on a treatment plan for five more laser hair removal appointments. Darcy is looking forward to being hair-free on her face, and then starting on her legs next.
My daughter-in-law, Kara, has cystic acne and is wishing for smooth clear skin. Kara is one-half Korean, and is prone to hyper-pigmentation when she picks at her acne. Asian skin can be difficult to treat due to possible scarring and sensitivity. Acne is a result of hyperkerintinization, increased bacterial load, increased sebum production and inflammation. I have been treating Kara with the Blume Acne Care Treatment plan which attacks acne at all four levels successfully. I started Kara with our one of our PCA Jessner peels to decrease the hyperkerintinization by exfoliating the skin. Our next line of attack for her acne problems is the Sciton Joule BBL laser treatment to decrease sebum production and support collagen regeneration. I have treated Kara with our Blue-U Blue Light Therapy to decrease bacteria, inflammation and aid in healing her skin. Kara has been coming to The Blume Skin Centre every week for the fifteen minute Blue-U Light Therapy session. She has also started using the skincare line, Gytone. Kara is using the acne line with its non-irritating formulation. This acne system is great for sensitive adult acne and is non-drying. Kara is thrilled with her results.
Sandra Caldwell
Medical Aesthetician/CLT
Blume Skin & Body
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